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Aphasia Network Resources

Support Groups for 
Families Living with Aphasia​

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 social distancing, in-person support groups have been cancelled until further notice. Some groups are meeting via ZOOM, so read individual groups for details.

Support groups give persons living with aphasia and their care partners the opportunity to meet others facing similar challenges, share their knowledge, and make new friends. 

The Aphasia Network: Aphasia Resources, Aphasia Support Groups for Families Living with Aphasia

Download Printable Communication Tools

These sheets can be printed to help facilitate communication. Place communication tools in rooms where frequent communication takes place, or add sheets to communication books. 

The Aphasia Network: Resources, download printable communication tools

Watch Helpful Videos

Find videos to help you speed-up daily tasks or find solutions to daily challenges. Topics include, one-handed shoe tying techniques, one-handed guitar playing, and much more.

Aphasia Technology Resources

Explore devices and applications (apps) designed to support communication and remove speech barriers. These can be important resources if you have access to a tablet or smartphone. 

Aphasia Literary Resources 

Find books related to aphasia. Titles include topics ranging from autobiographical tales of living with aphasia, to workbooks designed to help persons living with aphasia regain reading and writing skills. 

Aphasia Books & Videos Resource Guide

The Aphasia Network resources provided by Pacific University
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