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Communication Tools

Dinner Table Communication Page

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Communication Book Pages

Book pages (4x6) can be printed, cut out, and included in your conversation books to help you communicate during activities. Choose the tools that will work best for you. 


The Aphasia Network: Supported Communication Tools, ahasia resources, fruit list for communication book
The Aphasia Network: Supported Communication Tools, ahasia resources, fast food list for communication book


The Aphasia Network: Supported Communication Tools, ahasia resources, Oregon Map for communication book
The Aphasia Network: Supported Communication Tools, ahasia resources, Washington map for communication book

Daily Living 

The Aphasia Network: Supported Communication Tools, ahasia resources, I Need page for communication book


The Aphasia Network: Supported Communication Tools, ahasia resources, I want to go page for aphasia communication book

Personal Information & Conversation Starters 

The Aphasia Network: Supported Communication Tools, ahasia resources, person info movie page for aphasia communication book
The Aphasia Network: Supported Communication Tools, ahasia resources, personal info music page for aphasia communication book


The Aphasia Network: Supported Communication Tools, ahasia resources, animal list for communication book
The Aphasia Network - Aphasia Communication Tips

Emoji Board

During conversations, it can sometimes be difficult to express how we are feeling. Use this Emoji Emotion Board to help convey your emotions or just let others know how you're feeling. 

The Aphasia Network
1209 NE 123rd St
Kansas City, MO 64165

(An Oregon Non-Profit Program)

© 2023 by The Aphasia Network

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